White Baby Names: Meaning and Inspiration for Your Little One

Are you looking for a unique and meaningful name for your little one? Consider a name that means “white.” These names are not only beautiful and elegant, but they also symbolize purity, innocence, and new beginnings. Whether you’re looking for a name for a baby girl, baby boy, or gender-neutral name, there are plenty of options to choose from.

From Abyaz, meaning “white color” in Arabic, to Alba, meaning “white” in Latin, to Shiroko, meaning “white child” in Japanese, there are countless names that capture the essence of the color white. These names come from all over the world and have different meanings and origins. Some names are classic and timeless, while others are more unique and uncommon. Whatever your preference, you’re sure to find a name that resonates with you and your family.

Understanding the Meaning of ‘White’ in Baby Names

When it comes to baby names that mean ‘white’, the color white symbolizes purity, innocence, and new beginnings. These names are often associated with snow, clouds, and other white elements of nature.

White is also a popular color in many cultures and religions. In some cultures, white is worn at funerals as a symbol of mourning, while in others, it represents joy and celebration. In Christianity, white is associated with purity and holiness, and is often worn by priests and other religious figures.

Choosing a baby name that means ‘white’ can be a great way to honor these cultural and symbolic meanings. It can also be a way to give your child a name that is unique and meaningful.

Here are some popular baby names that mean ‘white’:

Name Origin Meaning
Bianca Italian White
Alba Latin White
Gwen Welsh White, blessed
Finan Irish Fair, white
Zahra Arabic White, shining
Aria Welsh White, holy silver
Beyza Turkish White
Candace Latin White, pure
Dwight English White or blond
Ivory English White, pure

These names can be used for both baby girls and boys, and can be paired with other names to create unique combinations. Whether you choose a name that means ‘white’ for its symbolic meaning or simply because you love the sound of it, it’s sure to make a beautiful and meaningful choice for your little one.

Cultural Significance of White

The color white holds significant cultural meaning in many parts of the world. Here are a few examples:

Western Culture

In Western culture, white is often associated with purity, innocence, and cleanliness. It is a common color for wedding dresses, christening gowns, and other ceremonial attire. In many Western countries, white is also the traditional color of mourning.

Eastern Culture

In many Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning. In China, for example, white is the color of mourning and is often worn at funerals. In Japan, white is also associated with death and is the color of mourning clothes.

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Native American Culture

In Native American culture, white is often associated with the north and with winter. It is also the color of the sacred shell used in many Native American ceremonies.

Hindu Culture

In Hindu culture, white is associated with purity and is often worn by priests and other religious figures. It is also the color of mourning.

African Culture

In many African cultures, white is associated with peace, purity, and spirituality. It is also the color of mourning in some African cultures.

Overall, the cultural significance of white varies widely depending on the region and culture. However, it is clear that the color holds deep meaning and symbolism in many parts of the world.

Baby Names That Mean White in Different Languages

If you’re looking for a name that means “white,” there are plenty of options to choose from in different languages. Here are some of the top choices:

Greek Names

  • Alba: This name means “white” or “dawn” in Greek. It’s a popular choice for girls.
  • Leukos: This is a Greek name that means “white” or “bright.” It’s a great choice for boys.
  • Kandace: This name means “white fire” in Greek. It’s a unique and beautiful name for a girl.

Latin Names

  • Candida: This Latin name means “white” or “pure.” It’s a classic choice for a girl.
  • Albus: This Latin name means “white” or “bright.” It’s a strong name for a boy.
  • Niveus: This Latin name means “snowy” or “white.” It’s a unique and beautiful name for a boy.

Japanese Names

  • Shiro: This Japanese name means “white.” It’s a simple and elegant choice for a boy.
  • Yuki: This name means “snow” or “lucky” in Japanese. It’s a great choice for a girl.
  • Haku: This name means “white” in Japanese. It’s a strong and unique choice for a boy.

Irish Names

  • Ailbhe: This Irish name means “white” or “bright.” It’s a popular choice for girls.
  • Finian: This name means “fair” or “white” in Irish. It’s a strong name for a boy.
  • Fionnuala: This Irish name means “white shoulder.” It’s a unique and beautiful name for a girl.

No matter which language you choose, a name that means “white” is a great choice for your little one. These names are timeless, elegant, and full of meaning.

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Mean White

If you’re looking for a gender-neutral baby name that means white, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the most popular and unique gender-neutral names that mean white:

  • Alba: This name means “white” in Latin and is a great option for parents looking for a simple and elegant name.

  • Bianca: Although this name is more commonly used for girls, it can also be used as a gender-neutral name. Bianca means “white” in Italian.

  • Casper: This name means “treasurer” or “keeper of the treasure” in Persian, but it is also associated with the color white.

  • Dove: This name is often associated with peace and purity, but it can also be a great gender-neutral name that means “white bird”.

  • Frost: This name is perfect for parents who want a unique and modern name for their baby. Frost means “white coating of ice”.

  • Ivory: This name is often associated with the color white and the material ivory. It can be a great gender-neutral option for parents who want a name that is both elegant and timeless.

  • Pearl: This name is often associated with the gemstone pearl, which is white in color. It can be a great gender-neutral option for parents who want a name that is both classic and unique.

  • Snow: This name is perfect for parents who want a name that is both simple and unique. Snow means “white precipitation”.

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When it comes to choosing a gender-neutral baby name that means white, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you prefer a classic name like Bianca or a more modern name like Frost, there is a name out there that will fit your preferences.

Unique Baby Names That Mean White

If you’re looking for a unique and meaningful name for your little one, a name that means “white” might be just what you’re looking for. Here are some unique baby names that mean white:

  • Alba: This Latin name means “white” and has a simple, yet elegant sound to it.
  • Blanche: A French name that means “white,” Blanche has a vintage feel to it that’s perfect for those who love classic names.
  • Elvira: This Spanish name means “white, fair,” and has a regal sound to it.
  • Gwyneth: A Welsh name that means “white, blessed,” Gwyneth has a modern and sophisticated feel to it.
  • Ivory: This English name is inspired by the white material from elephant tusks and has a unique, yet simple sound to it.
  • Pearl: This English name is inspired by the white gemstone and has a timeless and elegant feel to it.
  • Svetlana: A Russian name that means “light, white,” Svetlana has a beautiful and exotic sound to it.

These names are just a few examples of the many unique baby names that mean “white.” Whether you’re looking for a name that’s simple and classic or one that’s exotic and unexpected, there’s sure to be a name on this list that will inspire you.

Popular Baby Names That Mean White

Naming your baby is an exciting experience, and choosing a name that means white can be a great way to give your little one a unique and meaningful name. Here are some popular baby names that mean white:

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Girls Names

  • Bianca: This Italian name means “white” or “fair.” It’s a classic name that has been popular for centuries.
  • Alba: This Spanish name means “dawn” or “white.” It’s a beautiful name that is easy to pronounce and spell.
  • Gwen: This Welsh name means “blessed white ring.” It’s a simple and elegant name that has been gaining popularity in recent years.
  • Fiona: This Scottish name means “white” or “fair.” It’s a name that has been used for centuries and has a timeless quality to it.

Boys Names

  • Finn: This Irish name means “fair” or “white.” It’s a popular name that has been used for centuries.
  • Leif: This Scandinavian name means “beloved” or “descendant.” It’s a unique name that has a strong meaning.
  • Whitaker: This English name means “white field.” It’s a surname that has been used as a first name and has a strong, masculine sound to it.
  • Alvin: This Old English name means “white friend.” It’s a classic name that has been used for centuries.

These are just a few of the popular baby names that mean white. Whether you choose a classic name like Bianca or a more unique name like Leif, giving your baby a name that means white is a great way to give them a meaningful and unique name.


Choosing a baby name is an exciting and important task for parents-to-be. If you are looking for a name that symbolizes purity, peace, and brightness, then a name that means white might be the perfect fit for your little one.

From popular names like Bianca and Gwen to unique options like Aria and Eirlys, there are plenty of beautiful names to choose from. Whether you prefer a name with a specific origin or meaning, or simply like the sound of a particular name, there is sure to be a name that resonates with you.

Remember, when choosing a name for your baby, it’s important to consider how it will sound and look when written down, as well as any potential nicknames or variations. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to consult with family and friends for their opinions and suggestions.

We hope this list of baby names that mean white has provided some inspiration and guidance for your naming journey. Good luck, and happy naming!